劇場アニメ (奈須きのこ、TYPE-MOON、杉山紀彰、下屋則子、川澄綾子、須藤友徳、碇谷敦、梶浦由記)2021年3月31日 発売CD:11.she is no longer here2.the butterfly flutters3.that wont do4.in early spring5.what happiness is6.to the castle7.you dont have to act tough8.and he came back again9.despair was pleasure10.I kill and I give life11.why I fight 〜EMIYA〜(spring song 2020 ver.)12.defeat him and protect her13.we still have to go14.she tells about the Holy Grail15.in the basement16.the tale of the Holy Grail17.soon I will come to you18.I am all right19.once we were here together20.the gatekeeper21.she holds the black holy sword22.the four rings23.she came to save you24.you were always brilliant25.her hatred26.memory of a card game27.are you still telling me to live?28.Ill protect you from everything29.he tells about love30.good or evil31.no way to back out 〜 I ask you, my f